Nomad Remote Digital Studio

Nomad Remote Digital Studio

'As designers we have the unique skillset to assist in giving shape and form to voices of the under-served, disadvantaged, and unequal. We can help amplify that which must be heard'.

As an award-winning digital veteran for more than 3 decades, Justin Fancourt has worked with and helped shape some of the region's fastest-growing digital agencies and numerous companies around the UK and Europe, particularly in Spain (where he lived and worked for 12 years).


Justin is currently living and working remotely in North East Lincolnshire as a freelance web designer and digital artist. He also volunteers much of his spare time to Creative Start where he helps as Resident Designer and Digital Studio Manager.

He not only helps with the digital design and technologies for Creative Start on a regular basis, but as a delivery partner for the 'Paint The Town Proud' project he provides digital support for many of the murals and uses his knowledge of visual design and digital technologies to help the project achieve its objectives.

Justin spends his time promoting local start-ups, artists, creators and community not-for-profits and 'makerspaces' using digital media and technology to build their digital presence and grow their communities.

Originally a traditional illustrator and artist, he moved to a digital format many years ago, but has retained his love of art and illustration throughout all his projects which is reflected throughout his digital work.

The Nomad Team

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